My humanity is bound up in yours, for we can only be human together.
*Desmond Tutu
I bring the coffee beans. I prepare the hot water and grind the beans. I make the fresh coffee, which she enjoys much - two cups-, smiling and telling me how wonderful it is. She shares with me a musical presentation of one of her favorite musical artists, singing the song her deceased brother much enjoyed. I listen, and I tell her how much I enjoy it. We talk about life and death, about grief and healing through grief, and we laugh too. We pray. As I drive away, I see out the corner of my eye what appears to be someone holding the door of the home open. I look back. Hands are waving. I wave in return, and I smile a smile she could not see, but a smile, anyway. Togetherness, what we are here to realize. So much more, this, than simply sharing time. This, deeper, deeper than time. I cannot be human alone, and the more I seem to transcend humanness the more I become human. Today, I see again the beauty of this sharing, and I am thankful for these timeless moments of communion, reminding me of what always is, even in those times I appear to forget. Could it be I do not remember Love, but Love remembers me? Could it be Love remembers through me? through us? Are we Love?
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If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.
*Mother Teresa
*Move cursor over pictures for photographer and title.